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When you place an order at, your order is dispatched within 24 hours. We do our best to ship all orders placed before 1pm the same day.


Within Europe (not including Switzerland, UK & Norway)
Delivery with DHL Home Delivery is free when you shop for more than €80. For purchases below €80, delivery costs €10.

Shipping rates vary from country to country:
€8 - Austria, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands
€9 - Finland
€10 - France and Italy
€11 - Ireland and Spain

Delivery in 3-5 weekdays.

We ship more than 98% of all orders the same day and therefore we can deliver in 1-2 working days. If you have not received your items within 3-5 working days, please contact us, as this indicates an error or delay during transport. The sooner we are notified, the sooner we can investigate and solve the issue.

We do our best to ship all orders before 1 pm the same day.

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