This means that we are approved by FSC Denmark to use FSC® trademarks in communication and promotion of FSC labelled products. The FSC label on our products means that they are made from bamboo and wood from FSC® certified forests and other controlled sources.
It is important to us to take care of our forests and keep them full of life so that present and future generations can enjoy them. Parts of our Copenhagen Bamboo collection is FSC® certified, and more is on the way. These garments contain FSC®-certified mixed bamboo and FSC®-certified mixed paper for their packaging.
By choosing FSC® certified products, you are helping to take care of the world's forests.

What does FSC® mean?
The FSC® label assures consumers of responsible forestry. This requires certification. All certificate holders are inspected at least once a year through a control visit, and additional unannounced control visits are conducted as needed.
FSC® is an international non-profit labeling scheme for wood and paper. FSC® neither produces nor sells goods. You can find the FSC® label on wood and paper products that you can buy with a clear conscience.
This is because in an FSC® forest, no more trees are felled than the forest can reproduce. At the same time, FSC® ensures that animal and plant life are protected, and that the people working in the forest are trained and provided with proper safety equipment and wages. You can find FSC® forests all over the world, from our local Danish forests to the rainforests of South America and the bush forests of East Africa.

Environmental responsibility
Up to 20% of the world's man-made CO2 emissions come from deforestation and forest burning. This is equivalent to the amount of CO2 produced by flying 8 million people from London to New York every single day. According to the FAO, this happens because every year, forests equivalent to three times the size of Denmark disappear.
The areas where forests once stood are most often converted to other uses such as fields or plantations. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to protect forests and ensure that future generations can benefit from them. However, this does not mean we should stop using forests or wood altogether. Wood is a CO2-friendly material if it comes from a responsible source.
So, it makes good sense to continue using wood and paper as we usually do, just with more consideration – with the FSC label.

FSC®-certified forest
In an FSC®-certified forest, trees are harvested gently and broadly to keep the forest cover as constant as possible. At the same time, rare plants are preserved, and springs and streams are protected.
This ensures that the forest's drinking water and streams are naturally preserved and protected against pollution. In some forests, however, it may be permitted to clear-cut a contiguous area at a time – for example, in coniferous forests, as these are sensitive to selective logging.
In these forests, corridors must still be maintained to ensure that animals and plants can spread between areas. Naturally, the forest must still comply with the rest of the stringent FSC® regulations, such as preserving areas within the forest, protecting endangered species of animals and plants, and so on.

Financial responsibility
The FSC® system is unique because it balances economic, environmental, and social interests. This means that when you purchase FSC®-certified products, you are buying goods that have been traded under normal and legal market conditions, not as subsidies to the producer.
This economic emphasis is crucial for protecting the world's forests. It ensures that forest owners receive a fair price for their timber, reducing the incentive to clear-cut or burn forests for quick profit.
Instead, forest owners are encouraged to manage their forests responsibly, ensuring sustainable profitability for future generations. This approach benefits both future generations and protects wildlife and plants.

Social responsibility
FSC® protects indigenous and local populations in FSC-certified forests around the world – from the Sami in northern Sweden to indigenous peoples in South America. In an FSC®-certified forest, indigenous people are guaranteed the right to use the forests as they always have. They are also allowed to protect sacred sites and preserve their homes and hunting grounds.
Locals also have the opportunity to work in the forest, which means the local population can earn an income from the forest they live near, as well as receive education in forestry. Additionally, a percentage of the total income from the forest must be used to support the local community. This can mean support for schools, infrastructure, water supply, and similar needs. FSC® also ensures that forest workers have the right to assemble, allowing them to form unions. They are also guaranteed fair wages, safety equipment, and other social rights.